Ever Green International -Opus-1nero- Spinning Reel Made in Japan


E.G.V cut line roller・・・Adopt EG original V-cut line roller to minimize the yarn twist that causes the pole of pike and guide of yarn Garami.
Metal bridge drag knob・・・Doragunobu with an edge, has been designed to can instantly drag adjustment by hand with a glove.
Aluminum alloy forging spool・・・The nylon line 6lb.100m is taken as a reference, it is nero dedicated spool considering size, the balance.


■ aluminum alloy side cover ■ aluminum alloy forging line slider ■ with serial number ■ with inner bag
E.G.V cut line roller・・・Adopt EG original V-cut line roller to minimize the yarn twist that causes the pole of pike and guide of yarn Garami.
Metal bridge drag knob・・・Doragunobu with an edge, has been designed to can instantly drag adjustment by hand with a glove.
Aluminum alloy forging spool・・・The nylon line 6lb.100m is taken as a reference, it is nero dedicated spool considering size, the balance.
Ultra duralumin spool ring・・・Easy spool ring scratch, you Yes and titanium coating to light and high hardness super duralumin.
Aluminum alloy die-casting body rotor・・・メインパーツであるボディ、ローターは強度と耐久性に優れたアルミニウム合金ダイカストを採用。さらにアルマイト処理し、防錆塗装により耐蝕性を高めています。
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B002RXO58Q”]