Shimano Thunnus CI4 Reels features include: Lightweight CI4 Frame and Rotor (AL on 12000), Aluminum Sideplate, Paladin Gear Durability Enhancement, Propulsion Line Management System, Propulsion Spool Lip, S-Arm Cam, SR One-Piece Bail Wire, Varispeed Oscillation, S-Concept, S-Rotor, S-Arm Cam, Direct Drive Mechanism (Thread-In Handle Attachment), Oversized Septon Grips for Power and Comfort, WP Drag (Waterproof Drag), Machined Aluminum Handle, Dartainium II Drag Washers (Cross Carbon), Repairable Clicker, S A-RB (Shielded A-RB) Ball Bearings, Super Stopper II Anti-Reverse, Dyna-Balance, Floating Shaft, Fluidrive II Gearing, Rated for use with Mono, Fluorocarbon and PowerPro lines, and Approved for use in Saltwater.
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